Thank you for your interest in McHurricane™. You may be aware of the following information but as general comments to all users, the files on this package ending in ".sea" are self-extracting compacted files. Double-click their icons. When the dialog box opens, select where you want the files to be saved after they are extracted (just like saving files from any application) and then select the "Extract" button in the dialog box, everything is automatic from there on. Once extracted, McHurricane™ 2.0 Documentation will have the same icon as this file, just double-click. Color maps are installed in this copy of McHurricane™. Black and white map resources are provided with registered copies of McHurricane™. (Changing to black and white maps saves about 180K in storage space on the disk McHurricane™ is being run from but there is no significant RAM savings while running the program.) The Storms folder contains Elena85, Gilbert88, Hugo89 and Andrew92 storm files. They are included for you to exercise the program until the "real thing" comes along, Yuk! There has been a recent change in application memory guidance for McHurricane™. It was designed for use with 256 colors. If you are using a large screen color monitor (15 inches or larger) I suggest leaving McHurricane™ memory (Get Info box) set at 1000K unless you enjoy Bombs; 750K has worked ok with an Apple 13" RGB monitor but I haven't tested 15" or 16" color monitors. It has been tested on an NEC 21 inch color monitor and everything worked ok as long as we kept the application memory at or above 1000K. If you are using "Millions" of colors (Monitor Control Panel) increase Application memory to 2000K. Revisions since version 2.0 include eliminating a placement error in the East Antilles map, replacing the Mid-Atlantic map with a smaller scaled map to cover a larger area originating at 31° W. Longitude, correcting a bug in window placement on large screens, correcting a bug in the data print routine that prevented some data from being printed, a bug that caused plot ID rectangles to be printed on some laser printers, adding a plot insertion capability to place an additional plot between existing ones, and the memory revisions, above. For laser printing: when printing the map, select "Larger Print Area (Fewer Downloadable Fonts) for maximum 8 1/2 x 11 page printout size without clipping the map . Reducing map printout size via the Reduce or Enlarge option will also eliminate clipping. When printing the storm data, best results occur if the "Printer Effects" items are not selected. If printing a map with a DeskWriter, select "Precision Bitmaps?" in the Page Setup to avoid clipping. If you have any comments, suggestions, or find any bugs, I would really appreciate hearing about them. Thanks again and best regards, Bill